

Change or cancel an order

We're sorry that in most circumstances it is not possible to make changes to your order once you've placed it.

If you'd like to add products to your order, please place a new order for these items.

If you need to change the details of your delivery address, remove items from your order or cancel it completely, please contact us by email at
Please quote your order reference number and order date.

If your order has already been dispatched or delivered, then you'll need to follow our returns procedure in the event of any unwanted products.

Missing, incomplete or damaged goods

If your order hasn't arrived, or arrives incomplete, first of all please view your order online. If your order has been dispatched but hasn't arrived within the expected time period, please email us at or call us on 07503 156447

Please do contact us on 07503 156447 before returning a damaged item so that we can discuss whether we actually need the item returned to us, Photographs of damaged items and faulty items (and packaging) are extremely useful to us and may be required if you are seeking a refund or replacement.